daantjuh3dg uploaded a new picture: KoalaKid August 19, 2013 6:03 am
daantjuh3dg posted an update January 19, 2013 6:07 am
@admin There are some topics created that has nothing to do with 3D origami! maybe you can delet them?
Hi! Did you mean forum topics? I usually try to get them deleted as soon as I can. Let me know if you see more. I trust you as well so if you would like I can make you an admin 🙂
yes I did mean the Forum topics 🙂 stuff about cloths etc.. very annoying 🙂
OMO I did not expected that, but I love to be an admin.. I’ll asked you in a PM what you expect from me than ^^ waiting for you answer! ^^
unsjn posted an update in the group
Share your creative origami! September 8, 2012 11:14 am
andrea77 uploaded a new picture: Paon.JPG July 15, 2012 6:27 am
ohhh cute!!! 😀
awwww!! that is so cute !!!
Thank you David!
Like it.. so cute!!
thank you!
Can i remake This one?
Ofcourse! as long as you credit me! (also for the other two) 🙂
I love it!!!!!!!!! So cute!
thank you ^^
hi,is this one made in two pieces then glued? or is it connected。
oh,i have another question。。。how did you make the loops on each of the triangles?
You can make it seperated or you can make it connected, doesn’t matter actually =P
To make the triangles look more clean you can use a pen to round them (called Jaxster fold cause Jaxster came up with it, he made a tutorial on youtube ;))
OK。thanks。。。。i tried doing it connected but the head part alway look like an oval instead of a circle…can’t seem to make it round… 🙁
Hmm.. If you try it connected, try to glue the inverted row on a edge on 45degrees.. that will probably help you to make the head round ^^
I like this!
Thank you ^^