jaxster wrote a new post, 3D Origami Homer and Bender by Onomneus June 17, 2017 10:08 am
3D Origami Homer and Bender by Onomneus
http://youtu.be/TnLF_TFxqa8 -
jaxster uploaded a new picture: 3DOrigami Standard … June 17, 2017 9:26 am
Is this the standard unit you use?
This is the standard unit I use for my bases. and transitions. In the first piece I ever did it was all made of these units. But I usually use a Puff Fold for the rest. My size is 4.5cm x 3 cm
I’m going to add this to my list of techniques.
I wonder what your technique is? I know you sometimes use Danielles half paper technique but do you have a different folding style?
I normally use the half square type. mostly because i reverse the unite inward to create a smooth surface. I turn them around forward for texture or to accent particular areas. I’ve been trying to keep track of all the different ways to fold. some work for me some don’t. I do use a half square link unit when changing the direction. i.e. the…[Read more]
Hola Jaxster, una pregunta las medidas que das de tus modulos son por que las haces en un papel de tamaño especial o las haces es una hoja tamaño carta normal?
jaxster wrote a new post, 3D Origami for Beginners – Standard Flat Point Fold and Advanced Puff Fold a.k.a Jaxster Fold June 17, 2017 7:04 am
Hi Everyone, Here is a tutorial on how to make the Standard Flat Point Fold and the Advanced Puff Fold… also known as the Jaxster Fold. The Standard Flat Point Fold is mainly used for making bases and for transitioning from body to head in some pieces. Using a paper cutter I cut my pieces into […]
jaxster uploaded a new picture: Jewelry Box Lid – 3… June 17, 2017 4:54 am
jaxster wrote a new post, MODULATORE DI CARTA PER ORIGAMI IN 3D EMILIO June 17, 2017 1:07 am
http://youtu.be/fCwdaRjpMZs -
jaxster wrote a new post, Mini 3D Origami June 17, 2017 12:02 am
Here are some cool mini 3D Origami models. I’m really into the mini 3d origami. I want to make a collection soon. Hope you like these too.
jaxster wrote a new post, 3dOrigamiArt.com now listed with TopListed June 16, 2017 10:38 pm
jaxster uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Tiger RO… June 15, 2017 12:39 pm
jaxster wrote a new post, 3D Origami Zig Zag Car by Marcin June 15, 2017 9:16 am
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jaxster are now friends July 22, 2016 1:08 pm
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jaxster are now friends July 22, 2016 1:08 pm
jaxster posted a new activity comment October 19, 2015 11:51 am
These are great! Can you post a link where we can buy?
jaxster wrote a new post, Totoro 3D Origami | Pekeño ♥ August 6, 2015 12:36 pm
By Origami Pekeño
jaxster uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Jewelry … July 24, 2015 9:10 pm
Great work!!! I’m gonna try and remake this 🙂 Btw I saw a similar one like this from a Korean website
Post a link to that Korean website. I would love to see it.
Could you please tell me the base number for the box? Thanks
Base is 30
Hey jaxster how do u make that woven paper thing that goes around under the lid ? What’s that called would really appreciate if you respond (:
It covers the ends of the 3d pieces
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jaxster are now friends June 23, 2015 10:10 am
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jaxster are now friends June 23, 2015 10:10 am
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