Active 10 years, 8 months ago
Batzmaru just joined my collection my Sanrio Charaters. However, he is a little plain but I am not sure what to do to jazz him up a bit. View
daantjuh3dg uploaded a new picture: Strawberry Dog October 22, 2013 10:19 pm
Thats really good, i like it.
thank you ^-^
That is really cleaver. Nice work.
Thanks David ^-^
This is too adorable! Very nice job. =D
Thank you ^-^
Strawbery dog is one of the most wonderful origami 3d that I ever seen … it is really beautyful
Thank you, Heard a lot of positive reactions on this one. Maybe i’m gonna make a vat version too
this is cute
He is indeed ^-^ I still have too give him a place in my room 😛
can u tell me how you made him i mean if you want to
More people asked me, but I can’t explane it in words. Maybe I will remake this one and make an diagram…
love it nice, now what type of paper did you use???
thanks! I just used regular coloured paper, 80g/m
i start to use 90g/m and 100g/m lately, it gives better result and puffy shape.
i see you are in Egypt too Mohamed, can i ask from where do u get the colored papers (90 & 100). i have a lot of colored paers but they are all 80 gm and as u say its not giving me a good grip
I usually get it from “S&A libraries” and “Karitas Egypt”.
i get mine too from S & A but i think all the A4 they have is 80 gm, do they have 90 or 100? but i don’t know about karitas ? where is it? thank you for all the help
Yea dear if u visit S&A Abas El 3a’ad branch you gonna find 90 and 100gms also, and soneome told me before to get it from Attaba or Old Obera St. !! i don’t know is that true or not but i didnt try b4!
How do you get the paper to be so shiny?
I just use regular printer paper, and I varnish that after I finished the model 🙂
good job -way to go!
thank you!
Oh wow its so cute and adorable. Makes me really want strawberries. Great Job!
thanks! 😀
SO cute!!!
Thanks Paul!! ^^
this is so cute!!