dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: 140111195207.jpg June 19, 2017 6:49 pm
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: Scarlet Macaw June 18, 2017 12:17 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: IMG_20160409_093024… June 15, 2017 9:26 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: CAM00168.jpg May 6, 2016 9:33 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: minions May 6, 2016 9:31 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: Raptor-profile January 9, 2016 8:16 pm
Unbelievable. You truly have a gift for 3D Origami.
Hey David… are you on YouTube? it would be cool if you took some video of your works.
…… …. mr.foos this is way better than imaged wow speechlesss
Thanks for the compliment. Coming from you that’s a real honor. I am on you tube. I’ve been working on a video to upload there. I really need to get some better equipment (Camcorder).
Unbelievable and speechless on seeing your project , u r truly gifted mr.foos. after a long time here, otherwise i would have missed to see your raptor
i agree with you he is a modern day hero
Golden Venture would be so proud you’ve given a new dimension on their craft.. they’d be surely amazed if they would see your work.
Once again, AMAZING work !
Just would know how many pieces you need at all ? ( or just an approximation, ’cause with the little side of pieces, i have no idea )
Also, have you plan to make a tutorial ;D ? I think a LOOOOOT of persons would to 😉
One last time, wanna tell ya, how you work is nicer and awesomier than every ohters creation 3d ( sry…[Read more]-
I’m guessing probably around 5000 pieces. As far as doing a tutorial, I wouldn’t even know where to start. Most of my models are designed as I go. I suppose if I were to make several of them I might be able to do it. I kind of like not having a diagram to work with. It gives me more freedom to do what ever I want with it. Thanks for the…[Read more]
Ok ^^, i gonna try to make something with these littles pieces 🙂
Continue to make us dream with your news creations !!-
I would start with something easy. try to see the basic shapes involved. It will help you understand what you need to do. I also recommend studying a few pictures of the subject and keep them handy for reference.
Hello. It is a wonderful job. My son is fond of dinosaurs and want to have one. What size in inches are the pieces? Have diagram? Thank you very much. I hope you do not mind
Sorry. Me like to know the size of the room in centimeter not inches
This is wonderful, an example of what to achieve.
daria0404 and
badupiano are now friends June 3, 2015 10:53 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: teddy bear for a ba… February 11, 2015 1:50 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: parrot January 15, 2015 6:44 am
daria0404 and
anitajoy are now friends September 27, 2014 9:21 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: stegasaurus 1.JPG September 27, 2014 1:19 am
this is abslutny amazing :O i love it x
Thanks. I love making the dinosaurs. plan to make another one soon. Don’t know what kind yet though.
You are WONDERFUL David, when I see your work I’m really impressive.Long and laborious work,and in return such beauty! Hots off!
Wonderful work 🙂
David! Long time no see 🙂 Welcome back.
Please send me a diagram or something for these .
David is not active anymore.. besides that he makes al his work without diagrams!! I’m sorry
malenita2290 uploaded a new picture: MOSAICO PAPAGAYO OR… June 5, 2014 12:51 am
es de papel tambien son cajitas cuadradas hechas en origami 🙂 obviamente usando uno de los lados de la caja como quien dice la tapa 🙂 todas las piezas
Gracias por responderme,realmente se ve muy lindo.
gracias a ti por tus comentarios
muy bonito tu diseño me gusta y gracias x aceptar mi invitacion de amistad y ser una seguidora bno es la unica jejej pero por poco se empieza de que pais eres
muchas gracias por tus palabras es bueno estar en contacto con personas q comparten el gusto por este lindo arte 🙂 yo soy de ecuador tengo 23 años y tu?
denada, si este arte me apasiona mucho, mira una pregunta que medidas tienen tus cajitas? yo soy de Guatemala tengo 20 años, tienes facebook? asi podemos hablar ahi asi me puedes dar consejos de este hermoso arte 🙂 ( y perdon por contestar muy tarde)
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: weeding swans May 28, 2014 1:44 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: swan May 28, 2014 1:44 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: weeding swans May 28, 2014 1:43 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: parrot.jpg May 28, 2014 1:43 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: wedding flowers May 28, 2014 1:42 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: swan May 28, 2014 1:39 pm
daria0404 uploaded a new picture: owl May 28, 2014 1:38 pm
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: stegasaurus 2.JPG February 20, 2014 8:38 pm
WOW! High Def gives these artworks a different meaning! Even with the not so clear pics your artworks were dazzling… but with these pics omg. Unbelievable!
Thanks!! it’s one of my favorites
You are most welcome. Yeah looking at these pics is like looking at your work for the first time again. I was truly impressed the first time… but this time I’m blown away… even your serpent looks 100% better in HD. From the old pics I really had no idea how awesome it really was. I knew it was awesome but this really brings it to light.…[Read more]
I should have gotten a better camera long ago. I hope our hard work brings us into the world spot light. This really is an amazing art form.
Yeah when I first looked up 3d origami on the internet I barely found a thing on it… so from all the searches I did I started blogging about it. now this website is one of the top search results on search engines when looking for 3d origami and it’s even listed in wikipedia 🙂 I’m like you I can’t wait till they start teaching it in schools.…[Read more]
It’s all due to your hard work and talent that we have gotten as far as we have. For that I could never repay you. I always do my best to promote this site. If there is anything I can do to help, all you need do is ask.
You can send me one of your dinosaurs 😉 jk… but not really
Can we have a rating system where then you can add an extra setting to the album 🙂
Is this feature to rate artworks?
yeah, so members can rate your 3D Origami out of 10. Then you can have a section in the album for highest rated. This way you can quickly show the world what this site has to show 🙂 In addition, you can also have like an Origami of the week/month thing 😛
When I get caught Jack I’ll see what I can do about making one just for you !!!
or rather ‘caught up’
Wow, all your work is magnificent. You are one of the best. Merry Christmas!
Wow 😀 well done
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That’s amazing trick to use a thick paper, thanks Danniele and thanks David.
it doesn’t take a lot of physical strength to make them that small, just very steady hands and a lot of patience.
Wow… what are you going to make??
I went back to my favorite subject. Dinosaurs. This is a different type. I hope to be finished in a week or so.
very cool
hi ! really impressive, does the struture is solid at the end with so little pieces ?
absolutely. By the time they’re connected they become like a light weight piece of wood.
Is there a trick to cut them and fold them because when I do it it takes forever
i use a rotary paper cutter. it’s quick and easy. it only cost me $20.00
Useing half thickness pieces you get the same size triangles only thicker?
only less thicker
much thinner. half the thickness of the regular units