nga1012 - "I am handicraftsman about 3do in Vietnam ,please visit my fanpage 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/TranNgaHandmade/"View
daantjuh3dg - "Hey Guys! I know I haven’t been on here in forever, but that because I started to focus on making artdolls! I joined a Dutch Contest with it, and I wonder if you wanna vote for me on […]"View
mohammadnofal - "The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. “Albert Einstein”"View
deby210204 - "Penso che realizzare Origami sia uno tra gli hobby più belli ed intelligenti che esistano, in quanto stimolano la creatività e l’abilità manuale e mentale spronandoti a cercare idee e soluzioni sempre nuove… pu […]"View