maha58 posted an update August 27, 2017 1:03 pm
maha58 posted an update August 19, 2017 11:13 pm
maha58's profile was updated August 19, 2017 11:05 pm
jaxster wrote a new post, How did Karen Create 3D Origami Old Time Train July 20, 2017 11:36 pm
By Karen Sukut
Old time train, the steam train, the coal train,,,. I did make it. I spent more than 6 months to finish. It is not easy so far.
michhuu uploaded a new picture: macaw back view June 29, 2017 12:42 pm
A tu wygląda również rewelacyjnie, kolory są genialne ! Cieszę się, że Ci sie udało :):)
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nga1012 uploaded a new picture: 3d origami cat .jpg June 20, 2017 2:57 pm
jaxster wrote a new post, Welcome to 3D Origami Art June 20, 2017 11:12 am
Best 3D Origami Artist – Jaxster (Modular Origami) Here is a collection of my 3D Origami art. The majority of pieces in this video are my original designs except for the Hello Kitty and the Jewelry box. The Jewelry box was created by a legendary 3D Origami artist in Mr. Park in Korea. I was fortunate […]
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: DSC09972.JPG June 20, 2017 10:53 am
jaxster wrote a new post, Horse and Buggy by tatyana3513 June 20, 2017 10:10 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: 140111195207.jpg June 19, 2017 6:49 pm
That’s amazing trick to use a thick paper, thanks Danniele and thanks David.
it doesn’t take a lot of physical strength to make them that small, just very steady hands and a lot of patience.
Wow… what are you going to make??
I went back to my favorite subject. Dinosaurs. This is a different type. I hope to be finished in a week or so.
very cool
hi ! really impressive, does the struture is solid at the end with so little pieces ?
absolutely. By the time they’re connected they become like a light weight piece of wood.
Is there a trick to cut them and fold them because when I do it it takes forever
i use a rotary paper cutter. it’s quick and easy. it only cost me $20.00
Useing half thickness pieces you get the same size triangles only thicker?
only less thicker
much thinner. half the thickness of the regular units
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: picachu's leg.… June 19, 2017 3:23 pm
jaxster wrote a new post, Diagram My Melody June 19, 2017 2:38 pm
jaxster wrote a new post, Welcome to 3dOrigamiArt.com June 19, 2017 2:02 pm
anacris133 uploaded a new picture: CABALLO.jpg June 19, 2017 1:01 pm
anacris133 uploaded a new picture: sananita.jpg June 19, 2017 11:02 am
jaxster wrote a new post, 3D Origami Piglet by Jaxster June 19, 2017 8:59 am
I saw some really cool 3D Origami Piglets online and thought to myself that I really want to make one. I looked and studied Piglet pics online to see what type I wanted to make and I saw one really cute baby Piglet. So I model my design after that picture. I wanted my Piglet […]
maryana uploaded a new picture: o lebada mare….. June 19, 2017 8:38 am
jaxster wrote a new post, Here's a beautiful boat by Mr … June 19, 2017 12:57 am
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: DSC08260.JPG June 18, 2017 10:12 pm
sparkflash94 uploaded a new picture: Gyro Ball June 18, 2017 4:59 pm
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