daantjuh3dg - "Hey Guys! I know I haven’t been on here in forever, but that because I started to focus on making artdolls! I joined a Dutch Contest with it, and I wonder if you wanna vote for me on […]"View
mohammadnofal - "The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. “Albert Einstein”"View
angelxwing - "Hi! Does anyone know what I can spray on my models so they shine / the paper wont crumble ? Varnish? I have a local Michaels store!"View
xxcationxx - "seems that this sculpture is made from the same techniques as 3D origami 🙂"View
phamlegiacat - "Im making a jet, it’s almost finish now, im missing the wings=)), i’ll post it right after i finish:D"View
zsozsothedog - "Happy new year 3D origami addicts:P i hope everybody will get the best of 2013 😀"View