Active 1 year, 6 months ago-
kodilane posted a new activity comment September 9, 2014 2:36 pm
very nice. like the tail.
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Daffodil 2.JPG September 1, 2014 1:33 pm
kodilane posted a new activity comment August 26, 2014 7:05 pm
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Brown rat 1.JPG August 21, 2014 6:36 pm
kodilane posted a new activity comment May 24, 2014 5:16 am
Love this one Jaxster. How do you get your rows to line up horizontally so that the finished product doesn’t seem to tilt? I’m still having trouble with that. One side always seems a little taller than the other.
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Rat May 24, 2014 5:10 am
I really like this one 🙂
Wow! This one is so cool! I really like the creativity.
This is another project off the Russian website that Jaxster found some time back. 3D origami has really broadened my language skills. I’m slowly learning to read Japanese and translate Russian. LOL
awsome could you give me the link to this stuff i like japanese stuff
This is the Russian website.
http://stranamasterov.ru/taxonomy/term/15From what I learned, the top half of the screen is a Master Class origami. When you open the pictures, they provide diagrams, pictures and instructions (in Russian) to help somebody build it. The second half of the screen are photos of people’s projects. Some of them have…[Read more]
very nice!!!!
That’s really neat ! Nice work !
Thanks, I’m working on another one for work. They want to use it for a prize demo.
Hi Heidi, this is very-very cool (just like your other models) 🙂
Could you give me some more photos or tell me how it is done? I am about to make the same for my colleague… 🙂 thank you 🙂-
Try this link
It’s the rat from the Russian website. I’ve since trade the felt ears for 3dorigami ears so it resembles more of a rat than a mouse. The directions are in Russian, but it’s not too hard to figure out with the pictures. If you have questions, let me know and good luck.
kodilane posted a new activity comment May 24, 2014 5:10 am
Try this link
It’s the rat from the Russian website. I’ve since trade the felt ears for 3dorigami ears so it resembles more of a rat than a mouse. The directions are in Russian, but it’s not too hard to figure out with the pictures. If you have questions, let me know and good luck. -
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Dolphin 1.JPG April 24, 2014 4:01 pm
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Pinecones 2.JPG April 19, 2014 8:49 am
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Parakeet April 11, 2014 3:39 am
wow! this is a great beautiful work! very nice colours! 😀
Thank you. The colors came from an office supply store and is the Post-It notes type paper without the sticky backing.
good idea! 🙂
it looks awesome even if its a first or a hundredt try 😀
Thank you. I’m sure I will be attempting another one. There’s just so many other projects I want to make. The artists on this site keep me inspired.
That’s fantastic Heidi!
nice 🙂
Great job! And I agree the artists on this site are very inspiring 🙂
Nice one..
awesome first try! you should be proud of yourself 😉
Your parakeet it cute 🙂 I’ve never seen such nice combination of colours … Congratulations !:)
Thank you. It’s not my original design. It’s a Tennyoinko from the PaperCraftCentral site: http://www.papercraftcentral.net/2010/09/3d-origami-tennyoinko/
Mine comes close to their design, but I changed up a few things.
Perfect 🙂 i really like it a lot!
Wow!!! this is very Great!!
kodilane posted an update April 3, 2014 1:59 am
Hi, Does anybody know what happened to David Foos? He used to be so active on here and I loved his pieces. He hasn’t posted in a while and I hope he’s okay.
Nobody knows.. =( I miss him and his works a lot..
I’ve tried to contact him several times, but he’s not responding sad enough =( I hope he’s okay too.. -
But he used his youtube channel a few months ago …. 🙂
He commented on a video 6 months ago…. Talking about NASA
hmm okay >_<
kodilane posted a new activity comment March 30, 2014 7:06 am
Thank you. It took several tries to get the right color. I had to go to several different stores to find the paper. The good part is that I got to find new paper stores.
padmajashirodkar and
kodilane are now friends March 29, 2014 5:32 pm
Pauls-origami and
kodilane are now friends January 17, 2014 7:00 pm
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Cupcake 1.JPG January 12, 2014 4:36 pm
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Bonefish 2.JPG January 12, 2014 4:36 pm
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Bumblebee 2.JPG January 12, 2014 4:35 pm
kodilane uploaded a new picture: Monarch 2.JPG January 12, 2014 4:35 pm
kodilane posted a new activity comment January 5, 2014 1:40 pm
sorry, no tutorial. I wish I had kept better notes, but I kept remaking and tweaking the project that my notes aren’t any good. Each leg is even built differently.
Sublime and
kodilane are now friends December 31, 2013 6:44 pm
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Thank you Heidi!!