dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: Triceratops.jpg December 23, 2012 11:05 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: Zinnias and 3d orig… October 4, 2012 12:39 am
thats beautiful mr foos
Thank you 1!!
wonderfl! like them so much!
Great work my friend!
Looks amazing, how did you do the flowers :O
I have a book that’s dedicated to origami flowers. took me a week to make them.
Oh, great work!
Can you tell the name of a book about flowers?
And where did you get the scheme of the vase?
dfoosdc and
aylen are now friends September 4, 2012 11:02 am
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: Teddy Bear 1.jpg August 23, 2012 7:44 am
very cute teddy
wonderful tedy
ssoooo cute!!! 🙂
i soo love this bear too cute!! you inspire me to make one.
I have a partial diagram I’ve been working on that includes the body, arms and legs. Once I finish my current project I’ll try to finish it Thank you both for the compliments
Love this bear! Do you have the diagram?
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: so far.JPG August 12, 2012 7:55 pm
Ha ha soooooo ambitious & awesome!
Almost there, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! 🙂 I really like the blue one 🙂
nice.. 🙂 i like it..
Looks awesome already Dave! Love to see the full collection!
I like this collection! great colors, perfect works!
Thank you !!! I’m trying to get better at making these figurines.
Beautiful collection 🙂 I collected many book but I never read them carefuly just look at the result and remake 🙂 however I seldom remake something in books because when I try to make the same thing it’ll be so bad result 🙂
David this is so cool ! My favourite is the green one on the left , it looks like a very crazy frog 😀
Thanks !!! sorry I haven’t been on much. My job is sucking up all my time lately.
i like your craft . really beautiful.
awesome .
Amazing David..
Is amazing.
Nice family 🙂
dfoosdc posted an update March 5, 2012 9:50 am
Hello everyone. sorry I’ve been missing. I’ve started a new project. a bald eagle. I’m several hundred pieces into it. As I progress I’ll post pictures. Hope all is well. To all of the new members WELCOME !! I’m always happy to help anyone. Just leave me a message and I’ll get right back to you !!!
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: wings February 14, 2012 8:32 pm
What a coincidence! :D!!!! I too am now working on an origami bird like this !!!!!!! : D!!!
This one is almost finished. I’m going to post pictures either tonight or tomorrow.
I am very curious to see!!!! 😀
sweet cant wait to see the result:D
this is insane! 😀 how many pieces on it so far?
lemme guess, it’s ONLY 5 million pieces…
Thankfully not 5 million. probably more like 8000. I lost count
actually it’s very sturdy and solid. I glue each piece as I go.
dfoosdc posted an update February 2, 2012 9:57 am
dfoosdc posted an update January 26, 2012 12:33 pm
This is a re-post, but we have a lot of new friends here so –
Anyone interested in a few 3d origami books this is a great place to start (they’re free)E-Book – 3D ORIGAMI PARADISE卡通造型摺紙- Cartoon characters paper folding.pdf -
dfoosdc and
zozo are now friends January 14, 2012 1:06 pm
dfoosdc and
susanlinchan are now friends January 11, 2012 10:36 pm
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: Golden Dragon.jpg January 10, 2012 8:33 pm
The Morning glories in the back ground I also made a few years ago.
good kind of golden paper, really nice
The gold paper is actually wrapping paper.
Aha,, really nice.
this is really nice i tried to make this but it did not come out right where did you get the diagram from??
I’m so jealous ur work is so so so awesome. i love every one of them. i like ur serpent its awesome. how many pieces did u use for the serpent? just wondering
Don’t be Jealous !! 🙂 just do what i did, try as many different projects as you can till you get comfortable with the different techniques, then try your own ideas. It’s that easy. I used upwards of 10,000 pieces on the serpent. It took about 4 months to make but i enjoyed every day of it.
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: owls.jpg January 10, 2012 8:35 am
It’s really amazing! i saw something like that also but it was a Hoopoe, i think i gonna make one soon but after Mubarak withdraw from Egypt hehehehe lol
The photo is not that good… was this made from 3D Origami? Do you have a link?
Yes it was made fro 3d Origami. It was at a fund raising for some Chinese immigrants trying to raise money for legal fees. They where selling these pieces. I forget where I got the picture from. I think I downloaded about 5 or 6 years ago.The items in the background are 3DO also. wish I could find that site again.
That looks great. Thanks for sharing!
wow! these are amazing! I wish I could make this too, I really love snow owls !!
they’re look like 3DO but I think they’re not ,2 vases behind them are 3DO. However i like them,they’re look so lovely and happy. If they’re 3DO, so great. I really surprise about 3DO’s capability. it’s so amazing. i wish we can see all 3DO’s result in the world.
Wonderful :O
dfoosdc and
paloma are now friends January 10, 2012 8:10 am
dfoosdc and
sopo are now friends January 4, 2012 1:20 pm
dfoosdc and
jccms are now friends January 4, 2012 1:28 am
dfoosdc and
eduardo are now friends January 3, 2012 1:58 pm
dfoosdc and
alsterschwan are now friends December 31, 2011 3:51 am
dfoosdc posted an update December 24, 2011 2:49 pm
My first Youtube video
3d origami movie.wmv
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Great works 🙂
Nice showcase of your work David! 🙂
Thank You !!! I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. Finally got around to doing it.
Wow! You are very talented. Your collection is outstanding
Great to see your first video Dave
Thanks !!!! 🙂
Very nice video! Congrats! Looking forward to more!
Thanks Jack !!! going to have to get busy and make some more pieces.
Thanks everyone !!!! wish I could have done one sooner !!! It has a few mistakes, but I’ll do better next time.
great works, nice video and…great Mozart!
Thank you !!! I play Mozart when I’m working on my art. It always inspires me.
good choice! i like his music and i also like Bach and Vivaldi!
You have excellent taste in music !!!! 🙂
thanks David!
dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: Happy Holidays !!! December 23, 2011 9:40 pm
Fantastic work like always David 🙂 sure i like it!
David, David, David….WOW, WOW, WOW! Agree with Mohammad!
happy holidays to you too David! wonderful work!
Thank you all !!!! 🙂
Full warm christmas! Merry christmas!
This is the best Santa I have seen:)
Thank you !!! I like doing it my own way. Happy Holidays !!!!
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Awesome!!! I wanna try to make some bigger projects also next year, I don’t know what exactly, but I will try
I know you will do well at what ever you try.
I’m speechless front of this amazing piece of art !!!! because words can not describe how much its impressive work!!!
Thank you. This was the first dinosaur I tried. I’ve always been fascinated by them. Hope to do more in the future.
In the first time I saw your 3DO, I really surprise and I think “we can do everything in 3DO if we try”.It’s so amazing. I always admire you and try to learn from you. Hope to see your new 3DO soon
this has to be the most amazing piece of origami i’v ever ever EVER seen in my entire life!!! heck, i think it is THE most amazing thing i’v ever seen EVER!!!
Thank you very much !!! I stopped using diagrams for new models and stuck out on my own. You never know what you can do till you try
well, it certainly paid off!!! you know what u should make???
a BUNNY!!!
(=’.’ )=
that’s cute !!! I’ll see what I can do.
You used some plot to make this dinosaur and others I’ve seen on your account? excellent work that I am surprised you do is a great teacher 3d origami