Amazing work, you just never seem to get tired lol Its one project straight after the other. Have you got like a check list of all the things you want to make and a date to make them by 😛 But good job, always interesting to see what you come up with next.
This represents almost 7 weeks worth of work. hope to finish in 3 weeks or so.
It’s about 2 feet across wing tip to wing tip
OMG… wow this is going to be awesome!! Makes me what to do one!
I wish I can see what the back of the wings look like? I’m wondering how you attached the wings. I’m thinking glue 🙂
I’ll take a picture of the back first change I get. trying something new on the back. although it not as far along as the front
wow sweet i cant wait to see the complete art
Dang… can’t stop looking at this pic… I have a feeling this might be your best one to date when it’s done.
it’s already used of more than 5000 (2.5cm x 5cm) pieces.
wow this is awesome Dave!! 😀 I really like it! This one seems easier that the scarlet macaw! because of the head were i’m struggling on:P
Amazing work, you just never seem to get tired lol Its one project straight after the other. Have you got like a check list of all the things you want to make and a date to make them by 😛 But good job, always interesting to see what you come up with next.
wonderful … beautiful… lovely… marvelous … charming … superb
I can not wait to see it done