• dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: stegasaurus 2.JPG February 20, 2014 8:38 pm

    • WOW! High Def gives these artworks a different meaning! Even with the not so clear pics your artworks were dazzling… but with these pics omg. Unbelievable!

      • Thanks!! it’s one of my favorites

        • You are most welcome. Yeah looking at these pics is like looking at your work for the first time again. I was truly impressed the first time… but this time I’m blown away… even your serpent looks 100% better in HD. From the old pics I really had no idea how awesome it really was. I knew it was awesome but this really brings it to light. Good camera 🙂

          • I should have gotten a better camera long ago. I hope our hard work brings us into the world spot light. This really is an amazing art form.

            • Yeah when I first looked up 3d origami on the internet I barely found a thing on it… so from all the searches I did I started blogging about it. now this website is one of the top search results on search engines when looking for 3d origami and it’s even listed in wikipedia 🙂 I’m like you I can’t wait till they start teaching it in schools. I’m sure there’s hidden talent out there waiting to be recognized. keep up the good work!

              • It’s all due to your hard work and talent that we have gotten as far as we have. For that I could never repay you. I always do my best to promote this site. If there is anything I can do to help, all you need do is ask.

    • Wow, all your work is magnificent. You are one of the best. Merry Christmas!

    • Wow 😀 well done