• dfoosdc uploaded a new picture: macaw 3 November 11, 2011 12:54 pm

    • AGAIN wowowowowowowowowowowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    • it looks like a real parrot … I know it’s a lot of work ….

    • Hello David,
      I’m blown away…..
      Is it possible and/or are you willing to teach us how to make one? Pleeeease 🙂
      I admire all your work. You are a true talent.
      I can only dream of making such nice pieces unless you would help me…..

      • The first thing I would recommend is to try any many different pieces and techniques from various books and diagrams to get a feel for the different ways to put pieces together. I’ve made hundreds of different projects and was surprised any the little bits of information I picked up along the way.
        I would love to show everyone how I come up with my creations. Currently I’m trying to find or create software to help diagram this type of origami.
        I any knows of something already available I would be very grateful. Most of my work requires thousands of pieces to make, so you can imagine how big the diagram would have to be. Not impossible, just very time consuming.

    • No problem I understand. It was just a question.
      I’m already enjoying your models by looking at them.
      Please don’t stop making such beautiful things 😉
      Kind regards

      • I do plan on making another Macaw. When I do I’ll make a step by step photo album. That way you’ll be able to see how it do it. I would really love to see some one else make some of my projects. Don’t give up! Thank you for your kind words.

        • Yeay!!! Awesome 🙂
          Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
          I’m really looking forward to it!
          I’ll start folding units….

          A big hug and good luck with your projects !

    • is there any chance there is any instructions for this becuase im doing an art project in school and i need to make a large finished product please 🙂

    • wow its awesome , wish i knew how u shape it lol

    • Thanks !!!!

    • David once again another great art work!

    • Amazing work!!!!!!

    • That’s great! You inspired me, I’m trying to do something like that 😉 At the moment I have head and body ready. Soon I’ll do wings, tail and the beak 🙂 Hope it’ll look good 🙂

    • OMG!! How to you manage to keep so much of patience to make 5000 pieces…this is marvellous

    • I wish oneday be able to make something incredible like that 🙂