It is looking really good!! I have been wanting to make one for a while now. I was hoping someone would make one and take pictures of the process. If you keep taking pictures, I hope that I will be able to follow you and make one for myself!!
I know exactly what you mean, It’s not an really easy one, and I took a break from this one, but when I start working on it again I will take pics of the proces!
just wondering but where in the world can i get black paper 🙁 i cant find it any where and i need it so bad. I know it is expensive but i dont care art is expensive but i do it to 🙂 i lovea 3d origami so the money is worth it.
haha 😛 praat iets makkelijker in je eigen taal xD maar het heeft te maken met het toevoegen van extra rijen aan de bovenkant van de kop, zelf ben ik er ook nog niet in geslaagd om een complete ara te maken, jammer genoeg, maar David Foos gaat me als het goed is helpen 🙂
Nice work, i hope you finish it soon.
I hope so too…
That’s the idea. Looking great so far.
thank you david. I have still a long way to go, and it will take long, got some troubles at home…
nice macaw had … do you have anu diagram?
no I won’t, I was planning to make one, but it is too difficult to do that. I’m sorry
Did you finish your Macaw?
no not yet, and I’m not working on this one now. But I will finnish it one day.
it looks like mr foos macaw
thank you 🙂
It is looking really good!! I have been wanting to make one for a while now. I was hoping someone would make one and take pictures of the process. If you keep taking pictures, I hope that I will be able to follow you and make one for myself!!
I know exactly what you mean, It’s not an really easy one, and I took a break from this one, but when I start working on it again I will take pics of the proces!
just wondering but where in the world can i get black paper 🙁 i cant find it any where and i need it so bad. I know it is expensive but i dont care art is expensive but i do it to 🙂 i lovea 3d origami so the money is worth it.
I found some a Staples. it comes in a pack of 10 for about 2 dollars.
I use black paper from the brand Fastprint, not that expensive actually!
The only places to find black paper, or any good paper seems to be Asian and Oriental countries :/
have you got instructions for this ??
No, I’m sorry. I still have to figure out how to make a full Macaw
Hey, How did you make the curve of the neck? You can answer in Dutch:P
haha 😛 praat iets makkelijker in je eigen taal xD maar het heeft te maken met het toevoegen van extra rijen aan de bovenkant van de kop, zelf ben ik er ook nog niet in geslaagd om een complete ara te maken, jammer genoeg, maar David Foos gaat me als het goed is helpen 🙂
Owkee. dan ga ik dat nog eens proberen. Heb het namelijk aan de onderkant gedaan. dus nu heb ik een ara met een onderkin(A)
haha volgens mij is dat best een grappig gezicht xD alleen niet helemaal de bedoeling xD
This is amazing,I’m try to make one I don’t have any idea how I will making, but I’m going to try.
awesome!! good luck! take a look on my site and then go to blog… I written something on how to make the curve of the head!