Bad news i changed my unicorn + pegasus for new dragon project on my profile you can see my first not completed head prototype its head only for now becouse i need to get same blue colour for rest of whole dragon and most ofthe paper shops doesnt have that same colour so i need to get it from net or search in next monday on shops again.
It looks great! Do you mind me copying your wings for one of my projects?
ThanQ Kinoko 🙂 i remade it from the Russian site, sure you can copy them 🙂
Its awsome it motivated me to try my new own project unicorn + pegasus 🙂 it will take a while but ill try make it.
Awsome work !!!
Thanks Marcin 🙂 I take the instructions from the Russian site 😉 i would love to see your Unicorn soon 🙂
Bad news i changed my unicorn + pegasus for new dragon project on my profile you can see my first not completed head prototype its head only for now becouse i need to get same blue colour for rest of whole dragon and most ofthe paper shops doesnt have that same colour so i need to get it from net or search in next monday on shops again.
Someone asked me where did i found this but i really don’t remember who!! i’m sorry!! but here is the link as i promised.