mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Bunny November 21, 2014 8:48 pm
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: 3d origami orchid.j… November 11, 2014 6:56 am
Hi Nga, it’s beautiful. I like all of your 3d origami models. NGA can u tell me about this small vase. How many pieces you used for Base and how many rows are there. Can you teach me? I want to remake this.
thank you Sunita… I used paper size 1/12 a4 ( 5,2 x 8 cm ) for this vase, base of it is 36 pieces, 13 rows with 36 pieces for every row
I would also like to remake, how do you make the flower, and leaves please?
Thank you ! NGA u r a very kind lady. I like U and your work also.
I’m sorry K- origami I dont have tutorials for this, I did it for an order and it was sent
you are welcome Sunita 🙂
So beautiful Nga *_* how are you doing lately? we haven’t talked in forever!
thank you Danielle 🙂 yeah a long time we dont talk I’m sorry … How are you?I was in hospital abt 2 months 😛 then I’m very busy now still have some problem but I can do 3do again ^_^ … Danielle I want to ask you abt you 3do portrait … did you use any software for make diagram before do? Thank you in advance 🙂
@nga1012 You’re welcome!!
It’s okay, I haven’t been online much as well.
wow 2 months xO But I’m happy you’re home now, and able to make 3DO again ^^ the best way to relax haha^^ hope everything goes better now for you _< I know there are apps that you can turn your picture into pixels as well.. maybe you can find something like that? -
Yeah I found some but still feel not ok 😀
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: 3d origami flower.j… November 6, 2014 8:15 am
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: 3d origami deer .jpg November 4, 2014 8:35 am
Great work Nga! 😀
Thank you very much Esmeralda ^^
It looks great ^^
thank you very much Marcin ^^
Nice! Like it:)
thank you Su Fang 🙂
wooow! nice!
thank you Arnaud 🙂
WoWWW!!!!! that’s so cool, i love reindeer’s could you or do you have tutorial. My sister would freak out!!! she loves them too 🙂
I dont have tutorials for mine but I made it from this design so you can try K – origami http://stranamasterov.ru/node/332713?tid=451%2C328
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Minnie M… October 18, 2014 3:15 am
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: Angry Bird "CH… October 12, 2014 10:40 am
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: 3d origami girl .jpg May 12, 2014 8:08 am
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: Lotus lamp.jpg April 19, 2014 7:48 pm
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: Simple Crown April 18, 2014 3:18 pm
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: Angry Bird "ST… April 18, 2014 3:14 pm
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
nga1012 uploaded a new picture: 3d origami dolphin.… April 12, 2014 10:07 am
WOW! i don’t know why i was have a feeling that u gonna do it 😀 really so cute 😉 i like it!
Thank u, Mohammad 🙂 because a starfish make u think about ocean 🙂 and it’s just a part of my work 😀 take a look when it was completed 🙂
Perfect guess 😀 lol you really smart girl 😀
Thank u Mohammad, not really but enough 😀 lol
I think you know yourself better 😀
Sure 🙂
beautiful 🙂
Thank u so much , Nea!
blu nice
Thank u so much ^^!
This is so beautiful!
Would make a lovely table piece for sure. n_n-
Thank u so much Sugarcoatedsin ^^ !
this goes beyond cool. i agree with sugarcoatedsin, this would make a great tabletop decor. love the stand you made for the dolphin too!
Thank u so much Sachico! ^^ I want u can see ocean when u look at it ^^ so everything is about ocean ^^
This dolphin motivated me to make my dolphins for my friends. Many of my works are moded or copied wersiosns of your works. I hope that you are not mad
Dont worry 🙂 I’ll never mad at u, I’m feel happy very much when I see someone remake my work 🙂
Thanks im really happy if you will have some frr time come and see my remakes and works pls.
Wish you the best 🙂 becouse you are nice and kind person 🙂-
Oh I saw it before my friend 🙂 they’re very nice my friend 🙂 thank you very much for all beautiful things u spend for me 🙂
Its just truth^^ and thank you for your nice words about my remakes.
Have much fun on your free time!!! 😉
I love it this is amazing.Definitely you are a excellent artist.
thank you very much my friend I like your works also , I just try my best 🙂
Great work!!! I nearly finished aswell 🙂
thank you 🙂
mohammadnofal posted an update March 29, 2014 8:44 am
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.
“Albert Einstein”
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Yoshi March 20, 2014 1:52 pm
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
Each of your creations is a masterpiece 🙂 you are the best my dear king Modi <3 Never give up!
Thanks a lot my dear Fausta 🙂 i just try to make my own way, so that i make my own designs, and i wish that i inspire some people around 😉
Yes you are the best Mohammad!!!! Excellent!!!!!!!!!! 😀
Thanks a lot Esmeralda 🙂 you are always better my dear friend 🙂
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Penguin March 20, 2014 1:51 pm
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Crown March 20, 2014 1:50 pm
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
mohammadnofal posted an update March 14, 2014 12:35 pm
Sorry guys long time i wasn’t around 😉 but i’m back again ^_^ and don’t be worry i’m still in love with 3DO and i’ll do my best to leave my fingerprint in this art InshaAllah ♥
and we love your work 😀
Thanks a lot my brother Imran 🙂
I really want to learn some of your models…do you have Tutorials?
Gonna announce about some tutorials ASAP on my channel on Youtube inshaAllah Lucrezia.
Good to see You back with many new great works as alvays 🙂
Thanks a lot Martinero 🙂
all your works re unique and amazing Mohammad 🙂
Thanks a lot ya Fausta 🙂 u just try to do my best dear 😉
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: Nofal's Panda March 10, 2014 5:46 am
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: Angry Bird "Ma… March 10, 2014 5:43 am
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
mohammadnofal uploaded a new picture: 3D Origami Snake March 10, 2014 5:39 am
For more photos please visit my FB page @ http://www.facebook.com/nofalshop
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YES!!! make tutorial please, youtube channel.
Beautiful job, like always.