digifreak231 - "Working on the Hobbit’s Bilbo, Gandalf, Thorin, Kili, Fili, Dwalin, Balin, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, Dori, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur."View
Jonathan - "http://youtu.be/F9uYAvZBzT8 Hello! I have a new channel: JM’s origami tutorials! Look on youtube!!"View
deby210204 - "Penso che realizzare Origami sia uno tra gli hobby più belli ed intelligenti che esistano, in quanto stimolano la creatività e l’abilità manuale e mentale spronandoti a cercare idee e soluzioni sempre nuove… pu […]"View
kutiebabie237 - "lets make ART!!!!!!"View
brookorigami - "Hi @daantjuh3dg ! I really thank you for introducing me this site! I get to see more works easier ,more inspiration and more learnings :))"View
ziggydust67 - "my boat,,,"View
numberone3dorigamimaster - "hello my fellow friends i bring bad news I’ve done some thinking and i decided that i no longer have the burning desire to make 3d origami so i will stop doing it. i will not be leaving the website but i would […]"View