• nga1012 posted an update October 13, 2012 4:25 am

    Every day and every night , when you feel the need to hold me tight . Just blow a kiss into sky, for I will be that close by. In the heaven throughout the day, I watch over you and hear you pray, I see you smile and shed a tear, for you know that I’m still near . I’m the angel of your eyes, your angel in the sky….
    Author Unknown

    • Beautiful Nga! I have to remember it ^-^
      how are you doing?

      • The first time I read it I feel it’s sweet and so sad like the way I’m feeling inside in this time so I post it ^-^ maybe someone in here will feel like me when read it ^-^ . When you have a love in your heart , you will feel like all song was written about you and when you sad , you’ll find something like that too, it’s as write for you too 😀 lol
        I’m still busy with my plan and it’s harder than I thought 🙁 I have no time for new design 🙁 🙁 🙁 T___T I think my hand will need take rest in long long time after . I saw your new 3do, really lovely, I like them very much ^-^

        • yeah it’s really sweet, sad enough I haven’t a love in my live, but I still love this little writing ^-^
          even your plan is hard to work out! I’m sure you can do it! Take all the time you need, and take care of your body. 😉 -hug-
          thanks! I just made some presents for family and friends, but I don’t really wanna make 3DO, I will again in the future, but I wanna do so much more, like making some friendship bracelets, amigurumi, drawing, design some cloths.. etc:P haha I’ve a lot of ideas, but no 3DO for I while I think.. well we will see 🙂 maybe it will be sooner than I think 🙂

          • You’ll meet love of your life in one day and I wish it’s sweet love for you 🙂 I’m old enough for have a love in my life 😀 it’s sad enough but whatever happen it completed my heart and make me be better person so I always smile when I remember about it
            WOW! You can do many works :), so wonderful when get a handmade gifts, the work I can do the best is 3do 🙂 and I love it ,I wish I have free time for something new 3do 🙂 , take care yourself too -hug-

            • I will, One day I will meet him ^^ and he must be sweet 😛 haha I hope your love is also sweet ^^
              I know, I can do many works, and the baddest thing is that I love it all, so I don’t have enough time 😛 but it doesn’t matter what you like to make, as long as you love it 😉

              • Hahaha He have to be sweet :)) and I’m sure because if he’s not you’ll never fall in love with him 😀 😀

                • haha indeed! Damn I’m folding a lot now for a contest which I NEED to win! it’s a change to go to Korea!

                  • WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? 😀 HUHM YOU HAVE TO WIN
                    I will spend many wishes for you win 🙂 2 years ago I join in a contest too but I wasn’t lucky 🙂 I think I never join in a contest again . I’ll end my plan in next month and I have to wait for know the result . Lucky will come to us :)get my big hug for lucky 🙂

                    • YES!! I’m so EXCITED! haha I really hope to win, one of my dreams will come true ^-^ Only I hope I can finish it on time, I’ve until oct10!
                      so awesome to heart that your plan will be finished next month! I really hope luck is with us!! -hug- ^-^ (do you have Skype btw?)

                      • Hey, I read about contest I thuoght that it’s in your country maybe it’s not I wonder that may I join in it 😀 ? Just kidding because I have to end my plan first 🙂 .
                        I dont have skype, , I hear E very bad but I think it’s ok if chat by yahoo 🙂

                        • haha 😉 it’s a world wide contest so everybody who wants, can join 😉
                          but I understand you have to finish you plan first!

    • Thank you Marymay 🙂 I just work too hard with my hand and I feel pain in my hand but dont worry my dear I’ll let them take a long rest on 2 months later 😀 lol . Thank you so much for your care about me my dear 🙂 best wishes to you and your family 🙂

    • Thank you so much my dear 🙂 , I will 🙂