• Martinero uploaded a new picture: Dragon head back a… August 28, 2013 6:32 am

    • looking good!

      • Thank You Fausta it`s not compleated head this time i want to craft full dragon that at the end make it look better with details etc i already have head neck and near half of the body.
        I also invented my own type of horns for this dragon 🙂

    • why don’t you make a tutorial or give pics while you are making this we also like to make one 😀

      • Becouse it`s to hard to make tuts with something like that when You dont have 5 k modules and put 1 in another I makng it bit by bit asembling with 200 mods and than disemble and so on today i was making back with 350+ mods and it took me more than 2 hours to get result that i wanted i use alot of glue and many peoples doesn`t like that and don`t want to ake something with glue. Next its really taking much work time and concetration to make a bit of it and without good camera etc it would be hard and i don`t know how to make tuts. I alvays can try help with sugestions or tips how to make your own style dragon / projects this dragon will be tottaly different than My first one and I dont like to make someting to many times 🙂