• daantjuh3dg started the forum topic how small? in the group Group logo of the smallestthe smallest: October 21, 2011 10:23 am

    how small is your smallest folded piece?
    In my album can you see mine!

    • I saw the mesure of your triangles in your little work…I cut a piece of paper of those mesure and I can’t even see the piece of paper! I can’t figure it up to fold it !!!!!!!!
      My smallest pieces so far were cm. 4 x 1,5! I would try something smaller without the first step, but surely not samall like yours!

      • haha! I think I’m just used to make small stuff ^-^ It should be awesome if you can make something smaller then 4×1,5 🙂
        I think I’m gonna challenge myself in the futuru to make something really small ^^